Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apples + Sugar + Cinnamon = Mushy Deliciousness.

prononciation:  ap·fell·moose

Also know as APPLESAUCE.  

Last Sunday, wewent over to our friends' house and gave canning applesauce a first try.  

It was a team effort :)

And that is what I did today.  I peeled, chopped, boiled, canned, and sealed homemade Apfelmus, again.
{Thank you, to my sweet friend Christina who had the two apple trees in her yard.}

They were bubblin' and brewin' away!   My home smelled like mulled cider.  

Which is about as close to Apple Cider I'll get while over here in Germany.  
Haven't found jugs or jars or bottles of it anywhere. I am quite sad about that.  I mean, Germany comes up with Gluhwein (hot, spiced wine) but no cider?!    

Anyhoo, my friend Sarah brought over this massive electric canner, which was new to me.  Pretty nifty, actually.  Hinged, glass canning jar have to be cooked for 20 minutes in boiling water.  With the sauce in it already, lids closed and all.  All you have to do it dump water in the tub and let it do the work of sealing.  

{Isn't she so cute!}

And I really like the jars.  So cute and old-fashioned.  Much more practical than the boring old Mason jars.  Although, in summer time I chug cold lemonade out of those big boys.  I'm grateful for the 'meager five' 1 liter jars.  Also grateful that Nate isn't as in-love with applesauce as I am. So that means 


My german friends think I'm nuts for eating applesauce by the bowlful.  Generally, it's used alongside potatoes or some kind of sweet dessert.  {Really??  Potatoes.  Hmmm, might have to think about that one for a while.}  I'll be sticking to PLAIN applesauce, thank you very much.

Well, that was my day today...hope I haven't yet bored ya'll with my everyday doings.  I promise something a little more thrilling, next time.  Now go eat some applesauce.

Much Saucy Love,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

25 ways to wear a scarf.

With it being autumn, I wear a scarf nearly every single day.  Actually, the scarf-season is more like a year-round thing over here in Germany.  

I came across this really awesome video, maybe some of you have already seen it.

So fun!  Although your wallet might suffer, now you have 25 new looks.

I am really regretting not buying a few more from these stands in Israel!  I mean, look at these COLORS.  Color makes my eyes happy.

 So now, a visit to Ruche online shop is going to happen.

 I would have to say that the scarf, neck-wrap, shawl...whatever you call it, is Fashion's greatest and most versatile item.  Wouldn't you agree?   

I wish I could convince Nate to wear them.  He argues that a scarf is the farthest thing from 'manly'.  I totally disagree!

Well, I'm off to sort through my collection and maybe add to it.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Anniversary Gifts.

October 12th will always be one of the BEST days in the year.  

{Aren't we cute?}

Some of the reasons (out of about one million) why I fell in love with Nate, is because he may possibly be the most oddly charming person I've ever met.

The goofier the gift, the better it is.  At least I think that's his logic...

I had a seriously good laugh when I came across this little package of love.

And hey, I can't complain!  Everything is useful and somewhat practical (eh, maybe not the Jäger.  Or the candy. Or the movie.)

Whatever!  It's the thought that counts.  The guy knows how to make me smile :)

He's great, I love him, I'll keep him.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.  For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.  But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!  Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone?  And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him--a threefold cord is not quickly broken."{Ecclesiastes 4:9-12}

The rewards of working together are always better than the end product of your own workings!  Note "toil."  Definition: to work extremely hard or incessantly.  {That doesn't mean that teamwork is a pleasant process the whole entire time.  I mean, let's be real here!}  

I have physically fallen on my face, and I'm amazed at how easily Nate can grab my arm and pull me up.  He's strong.  Scary strong.

At night, I am a leech for warmth.  So, yes without the 160 lb. heater next to me, I'd freeze.

Any believing couple out there knows that this world (aka: the devil's playground) is out to get us, and rip marriages apart.  Thankfully with God being our ever constant help, this strand-of-three plans to keep on keepin' on!  Bring it.

I thank the Lord every single day for his goodness in giving me my hubby.  He's pretty darn special, wouldn't trade him for the world.

Thanks for reading, peeps.  Hope all you married lovers out there can stop and appreciate the tangible gift standing/sitting/lying next to you!!  God is so good to us.