Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in Germany!

So I've been busy.  

Lots of events, gatherings, appointments, and dates have prevented me from sitting down and writing a bit about what's new in Stambach.  Nothing too new, but there are definitely a few things worth documenting here.  

We had THREE TURKEY dinners this year.  One with John Deere Expats, one with our close friends, and one with our church.  I brought the camera to only one of those.  {and later realized that I didn't even take a picture of the TURKEY?!?  Or any of the supremely delicious food!  How'd I miss that?}  

So, last Saturday was the dinner at our church, upon many requests from our fellow German brothers and sisters.  Turkey, cider, pies, and football all made an appearance, and overall, it was a really great time.

Simple decorations. 

A few fun crafts. {for the girls}

 Games.  {for the boys}

We all had plenty of things to be thankful for, so writing them down was one way to count our blessings.  This game was pretty basic, but fun.  You write one thing you're thankful for, and the last letter of that word will become the first letter for the next word.  German or English intermixed made it interesting and a little tough at times.

And plus this big paper....well, everyone got a chance to write down a few of their many blessings.

Fun times to be had!  

What are just a few things I'm thankful for?

My hubby.  
{and those black, furry, sweet little pups snuggling with him.}

Pink skies.
{this took my breath away.}

Nature's delicate little wonders.

And above all, most importantly, dearest to my heart, and treasure of my soul, I am thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ.  

ALL of the above would not be, if it weren't for Him.   

He is my everything.  Absolutely nothing in this world compares.  Or even comes remotely close to comparing to the awesomeness and perfect beauty and goodness of my Heavenly Father.

I hope everyone else had a thankful Thanksgiving!  I know, everyone is in Christmas mode already, but I wasn't about to let this slip by without sharing with you all what I'm glad for.

{and I'm really, REALLY thankful for all of you who are reading this right now!  Friends are precious.}


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